Random Episodes

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    19 years ago 720p

    S5 E9 - My Half-Acre

    J.D. meets the klutzy Julie, and when he becomes smitten, Elliot attempts to help out with romance advice. Meanwhile, Carla tries to find Dr. Cox's soft side, when he refuses to kiss his son. Turk and the Janitor put together an air band to win a contest, but Kelso gives them a tremendous obstacle.

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    22 years ago 720p

    S2 E16 - My Karma

    J.D. and Turk think they've got bad karma after hitting a car and causing an accident, while playing golf on the hospital roof. Dr. Cox bends over backwards to give Jordan as much comfort as possible on her labor day, and she confesses to J.D. that Dr. Cox is the real father. Elliot seeks advice from Carla on how to tell Paul that she's crazy, because they're getting more intimate and she can't hide it anymore. But Carla is feeling too crazy herself with the upcoming wedding.

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    20 years ago 720p

    S4 E17 - My Life in Four Cameras

    When J.D. meets a former writer from his all time favorite TV show "Cheers," he begins to picture his life at the hospital as a bland, multiple camera sitcom, where everything is perfect and wraps up nicely. Back in reality, Cox is relunctant to fire an amiable cafeteria worker, while Turk and Carla struggle to keep their promise of constant romantic affection afloat.

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    19 years ago 720p

    S5 E4 - My Jiggly Ball

    J.D. is asked to introduce Dr. Kelso at an awards dinner, so he wants to find out something good about him. Dr. Kelso and Dr. Cox each have a patient, whom they feel deserves the benefit of a new experimental treatment, but there is only one open slot. Elsewhere, Carla and Turk try to help Elliot get her old job at Sacred Heart back. And the Janitor taunts J.D. with the made up game of "Jiggly Ball."

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    16 years ago 720p

    S8 E14 - My Soul on Fire (1)

    The Janitor and Lady invite the Sacred Heart staff to their fake wedding in the Bahamas hoping to score some loot but their scheme is about to backfire...

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    18 years ago 720p

    S6 E16 - My Words of Wisdom

    In the wake of Laverne's funeral, the Sacred Heart Staff decide to implement lessons from her life to their actions. Carla is upset that everyone seems to act as if nothing has changed. Dr. Cox tries to take twenty minutes for himself every day, but has great difficulty doing that. Meanwhile, the Janitor helps J.D. and Turk treat a deaf patient. And Elliot learns that Keith wants more from their relationship.

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    20 years ago 720p

    S4 E5 - Her Story

    Elliot becomes unsure, if she wants Molly as her mentor, when she finds out that Molly doesn't have a perfect home life. J.D. is tested in leadership skills when Dr. Cox yells at him in front of his interns. Carla and Turk try to come to an agreement when Turk continuously wakes Carla up every night.

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    19 years ago 720p

    S5 E23 - My Urologist

    J.D. challenges an urologist's assessment on a consult for a patient in need of a risky surgical procedure. He also starts to fall for her. Meanwhile, Elliot considers breaking up with Keith, but Carla is showing extreme hormonal changes due to her pregnancy and tries to interfere. The Janitor and Dr. Kelso are having a little tiff of their own about fear.

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    17 years ago 720p

    S7 E3 - My Inconvenient Truth

    J.D's brother Dan returns and delivers a few home truths to his little brother. In the meantime, Elliot and Dr. Cox debate over the morals of their practice and the staff of Sacred Heart find the Janitor's behavior rather odd after he watches "An Inconvenient Truth".